Case Studies

Throughout LSi's history, we have grown with our clients and the industry, serving a wide variety of markets to leverage smart building technology.

"Your firm...goes way beyond the call of duty in response time, but more importantly, in always sending a true professional my way.”
- Virginia Cook, CEO, Virginia Cook Realtor

Chase Tower

Chase Tower Building Automation System – 2200 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX

Late in 2013, the 55-story skyscraper located in the City Center District of downtown Dallas, TX, moved forward in their pursuit of an upgraded Energy Management / Building Automation System.

Weatherford ISD

Weatherford Independent School District: Twenty One School Tridium Upgrade

In 2016, Weatherford ISD (WISD) was challenged to find a solution to upgrade existing end of life cycle control systems. Control components were failing, replacement parts were expensive (or not available) and bond projects were not planned to immediately address functional needs.

Cedar Hill ISD

High Pointe Elementary, Permenter Middle School West Intermediate, and District Energy Reporting.

In 2013 Cedar Hill ISD (CHISD) was challenged to find a solution to improve HVAC control, monitor and lower energy costs while improving the learning environment at three campuses.